Jose Rizal M. Reyes
20 min readDec 12, 2016

Are soldiers needed to install Donald Trump into office?

(What Nostradamus and I have to say about the matter)

by Jose Rizal M. Reyes / poet-philosopher / December 18, 2016

Tomorrow, 538 electors will gather in 50 state capitols and Washington, DC to elect the 45th president of the United States of America. The vote cast last November 8 was actually a vote for electors to represent their respective states in choosing the next president and vice president. The votes of the electors will be tallied on January 6, 2017 during a joint session of Congress. A majority vote of 270 electors is required before the winners for president and vice president can be officially declared.

Will the camp of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton pull off a horrible surprise? Were they able to bribe, cajole, entice, pressure, intimidate, threaten, convince or recruit in any other manner at least 37 Republican Trump electors to vote for Hillary Clinton or at least refuse to vote for Trump so as to deprive the Republican standard bearer the 270 electoral votes necessary to complete his election victory?

Results of the 2016 presidential election and number of electors per state.

It is clear by now that their are certain quarters who don’t want president-elect Donald Trump to take the reins of power which he won magnificently despite tremendous odds. The anarchic rallies protesting Trump’s victory, the continued attempts by the captive mainstream media to disseminate falsehood and propaganda, the ill-motivated recount of votes in selected states, the shameless attempts to recruit faithless electors, and the CIA’S use of the Russian bugaboo to smear the integrity of the election process all point to a vigorous intent to derail Trump’s assumption of office.

There are even bold and shameless calls — openly made, one of which is in the form of a song by a well-known rock star — to assassinate Trump. Calls for Trump’s assassination started as early as the campaign period, largely tolerated if not abetted by both the government and the press — certainly a deplorable turn in the American political culture. It is also a tell-tale indication of the titanic struggle going on and the mind-boggling high stakes involved in this political drama.

There are open calls to assassinate Donald Trump; some say it is even being encouraged by the mainstream media.

There are at least two Nostradamus quatrains that might be speaking of Donald Trump and his time — which happens to be also our time because we all belong to the current generations inhabiting planet Earth. We shall discuss these two prophetic quatrains at some length towards the end of this article. Meanwhile, let us examine by ourselves the current situation we are in and what tomorrow and the coming days might bring to us.

French seer Michel Nostradamus (born 1503, died 1566), dubbed as “The Man Who Saw Tomorrow”.

First of all, let’s hope the camp of Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Barack Obama wouldn’t push their horrifying luck too far and wouldn’t try to prevent president-elect Donald Trump from assuming the august office of the US presidency by precipitating a constitutional crisis. That could lead to Big Trouble. I understand Trump got a large majority vote of US soldiers. Trump’s popularity with the troops was recently reaffirmed when he attended the annual Army-Navy football match where he was given a rousing welcome. That should serve as a warning bell to those who entertain silly and treacherous ideas.

President-elect Trump got a warm rousing welcome during the recent Army-Navy football match which he attended.

The Hillary-Soros-Obama camp failed to win the election despite all the fake polls, fake news,hiring of thugs to disrupt Trump rallies, arranging for an old man to “disrupt” a Clinton rally while Obama was speaking so that the incumbent president could react in a magnanimous way and somehow even up the disruption score, leakage of debate questions, flying voters, voting by the dead, voting by illegal immigrants, Soros voting machines, and other Herculean cheating efforts.

The vote recount has caused concern and anxiety, although it fizzled out. But the vote recount is just part of a broad sinister plot. The greater danger lies with the recruitment of faithless electors which could prevent Trump from getting the required 270 electoral votes and create a constitutional crisis. This would put the presidency issue into the hands of the US Congress and, ultimately, into the hands of the US Supreme Court. This can be tricky and dangerous every step of the way, aimed primarily to prevent Trump from becoming president by those mortally threatened by a Trump presidency.

If push comes to shove and the shit hits the fan, which leadership camp do you think the soldiers would rally around? Would it be the usurping and scheming camp of Hillary, Soros and Obama? Or would it be the rightfully victorious and legitimate camp of Donald Trump and patriotic Americans?

US Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard Color Guard (AP file photo)

The Hillary-Soros-Obama camp has to think of the three retired Marine generals who are being nominated for Trump’s cabinet — namely, James Mattis for defense secretary, John Kelly for secretary of homeland security, and Michael Flynn for national security adviser. These retired generals aren’t meant to decorate and beautify the Trump cabinet. They are there for a utilitarian purpose and those bemedalled and battle-hardened warriors aren’t patsies or pussies or pushovers. They earned their spurs in battle and have rumbled with the baddest enemies of the United States of America.

Here comes the Marines! (Photo source: Malaysia Chronicle)

All three came from the US Marine Corps, which means there is great familiarity and cohesion among them — quite handy in establishing a Central Command if it would come to a contest of physical strength. And you know the marines, they aren’t the shy sort of soldiers. They are frontliners, responsible for providing a projection of US power anywhere in the world, capable of rapid mobility, trained in combined arms on land and sea and air, and the first units to be sent to the battlefield during an attack or invasion.

But though all coming from the same military unit, there are reports that say the three retired Marine generals individually command the respect of the whole US armed forces. What more collectively? That’s like combining three magnets that can powerfully attract all the iron American soldiers from all over the US and beyond. That there are three of them — aside from lower-ranking officers invisible to the public radar as well as other high-ranking ones — that means the Trump team has a deep bench in that kind of game. So if something happens to one, God forbid, the others can carry on.

Now, there is another large group of people with guns who also wear uniform — namely, the police officers. They aren’t as trained for battle as soldiers — their profession after all is civilian in character — but they can fight, they can shoot, and they comprise a formidable number. In case of a national crisis akin to Civil War, which leadership camp do you think they would side with? Of course, the vast majority of them would rally around the Trump camp, where else?! You can bet on that with your last dollar!

On-duty San Antonio police officers wearing caps that say “Make America Great Again” pose with Donald Trump in this photo taken during the campaign period. The expression of enthusiasm and solidarity might be inappropriate but you get a clear idea as to where the policemen’s hearts lie. (Photo via Google)

Alex Jones of Infowars estimates that 95% of soldiers and policemen support Trump. But I would say even a 70% support from the uniformed services would be comfortable enough and formidable enough.

Just one more thing: you must be aware of the existence of this other armed group, this not-so-ragtag bands of militias in some wooded areas all around the country, right? They are armed and they have trained and prepared themselves for a time of trouble as best as they can. Again, in the event there would be a bad case of domestic division and people would begin forming into two groups like during the Civil War, to which camp do you think these independent militias would likely side with? Yes, right again, the Trump camp!!

The score is 3–0 so far in favor of the president-elect and basically, those are the three groups of armed men that really matter if things would go really, really physical.

We should not forget those dubbed as the “white hats” — men and women of honor and goodwill serving in the FBI, the New York police department, and other government units and subdivisions, not to mention private individuals and organizations in both urban and rural areas. They served as the backbone of the rainbow coalition that made possible the shocking election victory of Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence.

I don’t think any power centers in America today or a combination thereof can offer a serious challenge to the combined might of the emerging Trump administration whose ultimate source of legitimacy and power is by virtue of Trump winning the recently held presidential election. Those who still entertain any remaining idea of depriving Trump of the office he won legitimately and convincingly should understand that the tree biggest armed groups in the country are not likely to tolerate the BS — as in, Busted Shot, but nice try anyway, now move on and help make America great again!

All the ill wishers should remember is that one of the generals we mentioned earlier has not been nicknamed Mad Dog for nothing. And remembering, they should tremble in fear … and think long and hard, think twice and thrice, before forcing into fruition their evil plot. The Mad Dog, one of the nicknames given to Gen. Mattis by his adoring troops, is a no-nonsense fighter — ready to rumble with the whole of the Middle East when he was there — and so are the countless other generals and soldiers with him.

To paraphrase William Shakespeare: “Cry ‘havoc’ and let loose the Mad Dog of war!”

And if they can rumble with foreign foes, surely they can rumble too with domestic villains. That’s the long and short of it.

The three Marine generals are just tips of icebergs. They are prominent because it happens that the president-elect plans to nominate or appoint them to three of the 20 or so key positions in the incoming administration. You can bet that aside from the three generals, there are more uniformed personnel being considered for positioning in the Trump government, some of them very high ranking too. And many of them are already moving inside the Trump camp or hovering around it. Others are ready to be called into action when needed.

You know the military, they are one big brotherhood forged together by hardship, danger and bloodshed. In case of emergency and their elders would summon them, surely they will come. They trusted their officers with their lives in the war zone and in the battlefield and this trust earned both the hard way and the caring way does not evaporate easily, more so if summoned in defense of Flag and Country.

And yes, the military component of the Trump Team must have drawn up various contingency plans by now, including a contingency plan for a situation where Trump is denied his rightful assumption to office. If not, gaddemit, tell them to do it, tell them to move their asses, tell them that they are not being hired just to loaf around! But you know those uniformed guys, they are fond of contingency plans — Plan A, Plan B … Plan Z. The only thing they lack is Leche Plan, which they need to order from a Filipino restaurant somewhere in New York or San Francisco.

Why Trump’s fondness for soldiers? Is he a war freak? Is he up to something sinister?Someone said that Trump is sharp enough as to be aware that the US is already in a state of war — not of his own making but something he will inherit and shoulder once he assumes office. It is not the traditional notion or definition of war … but something like a hybrid war, a global war. And he intends to fight it and win it. So, like a smart and experienced CEO that he is, Trump is hiring the right men to do the job right — that is, Marine generals whose units are usually assigned to storm the beaches in the opening stage of a battle.

Now, if the team he is assembling is good enough to operate at the international level and win an international war, surely the team must be also good enough to operate at the domestic level and win a domestic war. It seems that is a fair enough assumption to make.

As my Facebook colleague Franz Glaus put it, reacting to the possibility of electoral college mess-up, “Trump doesn’t like to lose.” And that is very true as evident during the darkest period of Trump’s campaign, that time when the the controversy about his locker-room comment about pussies made 11 years ago surfaced to haunt him. He was brutally bludgeoned by the pro-Hillary forces even as several leaders of his own party, including the Bushes, asked him to withdraw from the race. But he refused to quit. He fought on and pressed on.

Eventually, people from various walks of life — churchgoers, rural militia, farmers, housewives, truck drivers, physical therapists, soldiers, government agents, policemen, hacktivists (including the Australian Julian Assange of Wikileaks and other current-day Lafayettes), keyboard warriors and other netizens, religious communities, war veterans, bikers’ associations, nurses, businessmen, and so on and so forth — joined his cause in great numbers and together brought about a Mighty Victory! Everybody fell in line behind the quaintly patriotic and heart-infiring battle cry of making America great again!

(Photo from PBS Newshour)

Now, making America great again is not confined to the military field alone but is an all-around thing. So Trump is also hiring topnotch CEOs and topnotch experts in their respective fields to occupy the various departments and subdivisions of the federal government. That’s just common sense. Reacting to Trump’s announced nominees, someone commented that adults are now taking over the reins of government. I expect employment to rise and the economy to boom once the Trump team are formally installed in office.

As you might be aware, Trump has been saying all these long years how America should be run, that America should be building itself and not other countries. Now that the Winds of Fortune gave him that chance to be president, surely he wouldn’t waste that precious opportunity if he could help it, right? Ascending the presidency is a dream come true for him. But it is not just the office that he wants per se. What he really wanted all along for many years now is to run America, to lead America, according to his notion of the right goals and policies that should be adopted by his country.

A billboard in Russia. There are reports that say the Russians partied when it became clear Donald Trump won.

In foreign affairs, the Trump team has already found the right formula, the golden formula, the magic formula, to be victorious and invincible. And the winning formula is: partnership with the Russians! Nothing on planet Earth can beat the US-Russian combination. Many wonderful things will suddenly become possible when that friendship is forged — like securing world peace, for example, and requiring all countries to respect international law. The nominee for Secretary of State — ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson — will help restore US-Russian relation and bring about close cooperation between the two countries. He is the perfect choice for the job. He is a good executive, a good negotiator, a good businessman … and regarded by Moscow as a good friend. This wondrous mix of credentials should go a long way in making everything smooth, nice and easy.

US-Russian friendship will be the centerpiece of Trump’s foreign policy. The nominee for Secretary State, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, is the right man for the right job. He is good in making a deal and he has a great relationship with Russia.

And when the dynamic and responsible partnership between Russia and America becomes a reality, the prophecy of the famous French seer Michel Nostradamus in Quatrain 21 of Century VI shall come to pass:

When those of the arctic pole are united together,
Great terror and fear in the East:
Newly elected, the great trembling supported,
Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.

Which pair of countries around the Arctic Pole, if they are united together, can cause “great terror and fear in the East” aside from the US and Russia? None else! This particular Nostradamus prophecy is tailor-made for these two great countries that are the two greatest military powers in the planet. Russia’s Siberia of course touches the Arctic Pole while the state of Alaska lies also in that perpetually snowy region. And who will hold this pair in great terror in the East? Your guess is as good as mine. Come on, that doesn’t require a genius to answer!

Okay, let’s be specific. A close partnership between the US and Russia will not sit well with China and the money-faced pro-China lobby in Washington. During the campaign period, China was among the favorite topics of Trump. He was taking potshots at China whenever he was not taking potshots at Hillary and her allies. And after he won the election, Trump took a congratulatory phone call from Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen, the first time a US leader talked directly with the Taiwanese leadership in 35 years. To borrow the words of Lou Dobbs of Fox News, that simple move and gesture caused “to upset and upend the calcified orthodoxy of the political establishment … and to tick off leaders of the People’s Republic of China at the same time”.

While sending strong signals of friendship towards Russia, president=elect Donald Trump is firing his opening salvos towards China whom he accused of militarizing the Southeast Asian Sea.

America will also see an overhaul of its relationship with another influential country in the East — namely, Saudi Arabia, whose rulers are traditional allies of the notorious Wahhabi sect that has long been identified and blamed for propagating ideas of Islamic extremism. It is Saudi Arabia’s oil money and Wahhabi ideology that is causing so much tension and occasional mayhem around the world in the name of Islam.

“Newly elected, the great trembling supported”. Well, who is the newly elected? And who has enough good sense to support the great trembling of a country that trembles? As in, let the troublemakers tremble! I guess the third line perfectly fits the personality of Trump and the circumstances under which he is emerging in the world stage.

“Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.” This is what bothers me. Rhodes and Byzantium are code words or synecdoches for Greece and Turkey. Traditionally, the term “barbarians” were oftentimes given by a nation to foreigners, more so if the latter were regarded as less civilized. That is how the ancient Greeks, thankful to the gods for their Greekness, called the non-Greeks. And that is also how the ancient Chinese called the non-Chinese, those living beyond the Great Wall. I guess the practice is still pretty much alive today around the world, even within a small province or within a small town, if you care enough to observe that people in many places usually utilize other insulting terms to substitute for “barbarians”.

Now, those of Greece and those of Turkey have been quarreling for the past many centuries, as far back as the time of the Trojan War. (There was however a long period in history when Turkey’s territory was Greek-speaking, which was the period before young Mehmet II and the Turks captured the Eastern Roman Empire capital of Constantinople — formerly known as Byzantium and later renamed Istanbul.) Will a new trouble erupt between these two long-time antagonists who are both NATO members so much so that their citizens in each other’s country will be physically endangered and harmed? Or does the bloody fourth line refer to the current exodus of Muslim migrants to Europe, with Turkey and Greece being both transit points?

We might learn soon enough what Quatrain 21 of Century VI is all about. It is necessary that everything mentioned in the four lines are fulfilled before we can conclude that a prophetic quatrain of Nostradamus has been fulfilled. A particular quatrain should be liable to only one interpretation and none other. To better understand and appreciate Nostradamus, let us cite a classic example of his way of prophesying, a prophecy that has been fulfilled centuries ago. Here goes Quatrain 55 of Century III:

In the year that one eye will reign in France,
The court will be in very unpleasant trouble:
The great one of Blois will kill his friend:
The realm placed in harm and double doubt.

France had a one-eyed king only once in its history … and only for 10 days. King Henry II lost his eye in a joust in 1559 and he died 10 days later. (See also Century I, Quatrain 35 which deals with that joust and his death.) So Lines 1 and 2 both refer to the year 1559 and to no other. I understand that Lines 3 and 4 refer to the year 1588 when Henry II’s third son arranged for the assassination of the latter’s friend and rival. This resulted to the splitting of the pro-Catholic forces within France into two distinct factions and led to the eventual disappearance of the Valois line and the emergence of the Bourbons. Nostradamus seldom wrote a quatrain with a multi-year time index. Usually, everything in a given quatrain happens within a short period of time.

With that as a brief briefing on how Nostradamus operates, let us now give attention to a Nostradamus quatrain which is being murmured in cyberspace to be referring to Donald Trump. They say that quatrain describes Trump’s personality. So let me quote Quatrain 81, Century III, of the Nostradamus prophecies to examine the matter for ourselves:

The great shameless, audacious bawler,
He will be elected governor of the army:
The boldness of his contention,
The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.

We will see in the coming days if this other Nostradamus prophecy applies to Trump or not; and if so, in what manner. The US president is by law also the commander in chief of the US Armed Forces. So the winning presidential candidate in effect is “elected governor of the army”. (Parenthetically, cabinet secretaries are alter egos of the president in their respective departments. So the defense secretary may also be regarded as governor of the army, especially someone like Gen. Mattis.)

But another interpretation of “elected governor of the army” is more dramatic — that the “audacious bawler” will be installed into office with the special assistance of soldiers. That is one of the possible scenarios that we are facing in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential elections when the losing party refuses to accept defeat and continues to plot evil schemes to prevent Trump from getting into office.

To countercheck if this prophecy has already been fulfilled, we should give attention to line 4: “The bridge broken, the city faint from fear”. That line will seal the fulfillment of the prophecy. All the lines in a given Nostradamus prophetic quatrain must be fulfilled together. Otherwise, the so-called fulfillment is a false interpretation.

We have observed that the Hillary-Soros-Obama camp failed to win the election despite all the fake polls and fake news, despite all the leakage and the cheating, despite the Goebbels-style propaganda and street hooliganism. They supported as well the vote recount asked by presidential tailender Jill Stein. By fair and foul means, they are also vigorously recruiting faithless electors to prevent Trump from taking office and, if possible, install Hillary in his stead.

I believe that the main purpose of the anti-Trump forces is to prevent him from taking office. Making Hillary president is not that pressing for them and has now been relegated into secondary importance. In fact, a call for a new presidential election has emerged, based on the groundless charge that the integrity of the last election was put into question due to Russian interference in favor of Trump.

During an interview by CNN, former CIA operative Robert Baer proposed the holding of a new presidential election. Said he: “The Russians, it looks like to me did interfere in our elections. We’ll never be able to decide whether they changed the outcome, but I’ll tell you having worked in the CIA if we had been caught interfering in European elections, or Asian elections, or anywhere in the world, those countries would call for new elections. Any democracy would. I mean, I don’t see it any other way.”

Listen as the ex-spy continues with his cock-and-bull narrative: “The Electoral College before the nineteenth has got to know whether the Russians had an effect, Whether they went to Wikileaks, whether they hacked email, and whether they affected American opinion. They had a good reason to go after Hillary Clinton. Putin hates her for the Ukraine.”

Then Baer concluded in the same way he began: by calling for a new presidential election based on baseless and unproven charges of Russian interference. He said: “When a foreign country interferes in your election and the the outcome is in doubt and the legitimacy of the government. I don’t know how it works constitutionally. I’m not a lawyer, constitutional lawyer, but I’m deeply disturbed by the fact that the Russians interfered, and I would like to see the evidence, because if the evidence is there, I don’t see any other way than to vote again.”

Yeah, he wanted to see the evidence … that means he has seen no evidence yet. Get it? Pure smear and smack. Gobbledygook to the max.

The justices of the US Supreme Court in a photo taken October 8, 2010. Back row from left clockwise:: Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito Jr., Elena Kagan. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony M. Kennedy, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Antolin Gregory Scalia and Clarence Thomas.. Scalia died last February under mysterious circumstance.

With the recent death of conservative-leaning Justice Antonin Scalia under mysterious circumstances, the 9-man Supreme Court has been reduced into two equal camps of the fairly conservative and the fairly liberal. Among the eight remaining justices, four were appointed by Democratic presidents and four by Republican presidents.

It’s quite possible that the Hillary camp or the shadow government behind her had the foresight to prepare for this kind of scenario when the Supreme Court would be called upon to pass judgment on an all-important issue … and that might be the reason why Scalia had to die. It effectively neutralized or deadlocked the US Supreme Court, preventing it from leaning towards conservatism, especially on crucial matters — like election disputes for example or the great social issues of our time. The suspicion of foul play in Scalia’s death has been expressed by many others in a more forceful way.

Even when Justice Scalia was still alive, the libertine component of the other camp, of the other coalition, was able to push through the same-sex marriage with a vote of 5–4 when Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was appointed to the Supreme Court during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, joined forces with the four liberal justices and wrote the majority decision. So with only eight Supreme Court members now, no one can really predict what would happen to an election protest involving Trump and Clinton.

The American voters are supposed to be the ones who should decide who will become the next president of the United States of America. The college of electors are there to represent the will of the people in their respective states. If the electors fail to elect the next president and vice president, the matter can be resolved by the two houses of Congress — the lower house to choose the president with each state exercising a single vote and the upper house to choose the vice president with all senators enjoying one vote each.

In case of dispute or failure to elect the next president or vice president, then that’s where the Supreme Court can be called upon to decide the matter, especially if constitutional questions are invoked.

In normal times, the decision of the Supreme Court within its sphere of authority is final and you cannot appeal to a higher court or to another organ of state. But during this special time in which we live, more so when a clique of evil men and women have subverted, usurped and corrupted social and political institutions including the Press and entire units of government, the soldiers of the Republic may step forward to save the Nation from perdition, root out the culprits, then bring the country back to the democratic track and give the American people a fresh start.

When and if that time comes, the United States Armed Forces — mindful of their duty to God and country; and mindful also of the rightful victory of Donald Trump — would make their own decision as to who should occupy the Oval Office. And their decision would be final, executory and unappealable. Let’s hope and pray that things wouldn’t come to that.

Related poem:
The Second American Revolution

(All photos and videos in this article were found via Facebook, Google and Youtube and are utilized here under the legal doctrine of fair use.)

Jose Rizal M. Reyes
Jose Rizal M. Reyes

Written by Jose Rizal M. Reyes

Jose is a poet-philosopher. He writes poems and essays. He is best known as the inventor of many new sonnet rhyme schemes being used today around the world.

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