Jose Rizal M. Reyes
6 min readOct 24, 2015


By Iskandar Dzulkarnain / / October 24, 2015

( We are reproducing this news article from Malaysia because it was taken down and couldn’t be shared. Malaysia. This is the country — and most likely these are also the very politicians — that has caused so much trouble in Mindanao. For several decades now, the Marcos debacle in retaking Sabah caused the fearful Malaysians to plot and foment all sorts of trouble in Mindanao. The Tausugs are right in saying that much of the trouble in Mindanao can be traced to the Sabah Question. It was not wrong for Marcos to want retaking Sabah. What was wrong was for him to bungle the attempt so amateurishly and so disastrously. As we dream and aspire to build up our national defense to be able to protect our national interest and territorial integrity, especially in the West Philippine Sea, we should bear in mind the problem in the South and keep an eye on a fellow Malayan country that is fomenting trouble down there. — JRMR)

Deputy Prime Minister cum Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has revealed to Parliament that the Police have opened three investigation papers on former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad for criminal defamation.

The probes followed two police reports in Klang and one police report in Jinjang against the former premier which has been promptly submitted to the Attorney-General’s Chambers on Oct 9 for further action.

Inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar previously said Mahathir was being investigated for criminal defamation for accusing Umno of corruption during the Bersih 4 rally and his increasingly aggressive efforts to oust Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

So the Home Minister, who surely has the blessings from his boss Prime Mnister Najib Razak, has finally shown his hidden card to reveal that Tun Dr Mahathir is indeed under probe and may face arrest soon enough, just like Umno Rebel Zainuddin Abu Hassan and Lawyer Matthias Chang who has been charged for allegedly sabotaging the country’s economy.

Will the day come, when Dr M be handcuffed and paraded in front of a witness stand like a terrorist, and charged under the Sosma Act, or is it merely another ploy to silence other critics from questioning the government?

Is the ongoing probe retaliation for his press conference held the other day, which he and other top BN leaders vehemently protested against the misuse of Sosma to jail crtitcs under the terrorist Act?

Those present at the protest were former Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, former Umno Vice President Shafiie, Umno supreme Tengku Razaleigh, ex Minister Sanusi Junid and former MCA President Ong Tee Keat.

A leader extraordinaire

Tun Mahathir led the country as Prime Minister for 22 years. In that time he has implemented many policies good and bad, which has touched and moulded our present existence in one way or another.

He was a strong leader who possessed good political acumen that kept him in power long after he has overstayed his welcome.

Although there are a good many out there who continues to curse him to his grave, most if not all have given him space to regret his past actions and to leave him alone in his twilight years.

He is 90 years old today and nobody can continue to be vengeful of an old man or try to settle any old scores with him. None whosoever, safe for one present embattled Umno President who cannot wait to get rid of him, just like what he did to ex Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

What are the repercussions if Dr M is arrested and jailed

.Most people are powerless to stop the flow of historical events following his 22 year old rule. While to some he is the devil incarnate, to others Dr M remains a hero that has brought much development to this country.

He still continues to be an inspiration to the masses, and wherever he goes he continues to garner deep respect, love and adulation. Just imagine how the rakyat would feel if he is arrested and jailed for speaking up against corruption and mis-governance?

Sincerely, it is very hard to believe that Dr M, or for that matter anyone, could be arrested simply for asking Najib to resign for his failure to answer for the suspicious RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts.

A perseverant critic, Dr M has also accused Najib of mishandling 1MDB, bribing certain Umno leaders and for stealing the country’s money.

The Police’s misplaced agenda

The rakyat too is suspicious as to why so much of our precious Police resources are channelled into probing a harmless critique like Dr Mahathir or Bersih activists, while Najib seems to be above suspicion?

Someone slyly commented that for some strange and inexplicable reason, our IGP can believe that somebody, Arab or not, is willing to donate RM 2.67 billion to our dear Prime Minister!

How gullible can anybody get or how mentally-challenged can a head honcho of a Government Department be? Just where did UMNO BARU/BN Government dig up all their Department Heads???

Tuan IGP, please investigate that donation and go easy on that over-staying ‘Warga Emas! (Golden Years Citizen) We enjoy having him around! And for goodness sake; please stop taking the people for granted.

A Stunning backlash with People’s Power expected

Malaysians are pleasantly surprised that Dr M still has the fighting spirit to defend the country against the crooks out there, whom he accuses of looting the country and destroying it.

Any attempts to touch him, arrest him or incarcerate him will only accelerate the demise of Umno and BN. It will lead to a stunning reaction amongst the masses who are supporting Tun and others who are supportive of the government.

Clashes and skirmishes cannot be ruled out and it will be total chaos which will lead to a divided nation. Umno itself would experience a big split right down the middle resulting in massive internal haemorrhage.

The Malay masses will rise up in such numbers that even Arab Spring will look like a kindergarten walkabout. How can any true blue blooded Malay allows such humiliation of a respected elderly statesman being stripped of his self respect?

Already the murmurings have begun, with many staunch Malay critics vowing to retaliate and cursing; over their dead bodies, should even one hair of Dr M be touched.

The meeker ones are calling for ‘Solat Hajat’ prayers for divine intervention to open their eyes as to who speaks the truth and which leader is lying through their teeth, and may God’s wrath be upon them!

Others are accusing Najib of playing the role of Police Chief, Chief Justice, Jury and Executioner as well, and if he is brave enough to arrest Mahathir, he wont last 24 hours as the backlash will nail Najib’s political goose right up to the wall.

It will also be Dr M’s final trump card, if the authorities ever fall into his trap to have him arrested. “Mahathir incarcerated for trying to save the country or Najib jailed for corruption and theft’, will be the blaring headlines. Who do you think the people will support?

Not only would it be the most talked about news of the year with daily headlines like; “Mahathir arrested” “Najib a freeman” — it will also be the drama of the century with everyone hoarding pop-corn to watch the spectacle unfolding before them.

Najib too will face international condemnation for arresting a past leader responsible for Malaysia’s progress and the repercussions will jettison the BN coalition into deep space before the year is out.

Letting him be, however may bring new blood flowing again through Umno’s varicose veins, while Najib’s unconditional resignation may be the only answer for Umno and BN to wake up from their ICU(Intensive Care Unit) induced coma. — MAILBAG

Jose Rizal M. Reyes
Jose Rizal M. Reyes

Written by Jose Rizal M. Reyes

Jose is a poet-philosopher. He writes poems and essays. He is best known as the inventor of many new sonnet rhyme schemes being used today around the world.

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