1. The Search for the Ideal Leader
O noble Saint Germain, my teacher and my friend;
This sonnet is for you, the first I ever penned.
Your blessed company, for that I sorely pine.
Your golden plans and dreams with mine I wish to blend.
You have two thousand years to make this planet shine.
I fearlessly declare, your chances are quite fine.
So gladly for your cause, Lord of Aquarian Age,
My life, my heart, my soul are all placed on the line.
Wherever be your court, beloved king and sage,
I shall serve joyfully as shine boy or as page;
Or as your errant squire, to go on quest alone.
No role too low or small that I shall not engage.
Yet Francis, he with wounds, he shared the Pisces throne.
Not you nor I would mind if I partake your own.
Jose Rizal M. Reyes
August 7, 2007
rhyming pattern: aaba bbcb ccdc dd
sonnet type: Malayan wave in hexameter
format: English (quatrain, quatrain, quatrain, couplet)
(FB posting: http://bit.ly/2jXn94l )